March 6th, 2023

There are many different options when it comes to summer camp enrollment, especially when it comes to junior golf. As we know, all juniors have differing abilities and experiences, so it may be difficult to understand which camp is best for your child. At PGA Camps, the majority of our registrations fall into three categories: Half Day Camp, Modified Full Day Camp and Full Day Camp.
Half Day Cams are typically for children ages 7 to 13 who have recently started or are new to the game. Fundamentals of the sport are discussed and taught by the coach in a fun, engaging and non-competitive environment. Learning is primarily happening through games, in a group dynamic.
Modified Full Day Camps are geared toward those children who have played on the course, but perhaps not a full nine holes or recorded a score. They understand the progression of how to play an actual golf hole, but do not know the detailed rules. These are golfers who may range in age from 9 to 13 and are willing to be on the course for about two hours.
Full Day Camps are for golfers ages 10 to 16 and have played multiple rounds of golf independently. Participants need to have a desire to learn, improve and be at the course all day either practicing or playing.
If there are specific questions in terms of what camp your child should be enrolled in, please do not hesitate to contact the PGA Camps team at 1-888-PGA-PLAY (742-7529) or via email at info@pgajuniorgolfcamps.com.
Camps instructed by